We're All Gonna Screw It Up NO!! YOU'RE WRONG. WE'RE ALL GONNA SCREW IT UP. YOU KNOW IT. I KNOW IT. THE UNIVERSE KNOWS IT. (twitter) (telegram) (dextools) (dex screener) ABOUT $WAGSIU Your rich friends already blocked you.You’re now one red candle away from your McDonald's interview. Your asset curve is being used as market crash textbook – Just enough to sustain your misery. $WAGSIU isn’t just a coin. It’s your reality. TOKENOMICS (Total supply:1,000,000,000) (Tax:0/0) Buy & Hold it. (twitter) (telegram) (dextools) (dex screener) You were never going to make it. You know it. But hey, at least McDonald’s 401(k) plan isn’t bad. © 2025We're All Gonna Screw It Up